Join Phi Mu

Joining a sorority can be an important part of the collegiate experience – it can help you navigate these exciting and sometimes challenging times. Regardless of the campus, Phi Mu provides a place you can call home – a place where you belong and are surrounded by women who help you become your best self. We hope you will read more about what makes the Phi Mu experience unique and learn about our sisterhood.

Steadfast in Sisterhood

For sisters, Phi Mu can mean many different things. To a new member, joining Phi Mu is having sisters to call day or night and friends you can turn to for anything. It’s having a home away from home. It’s becoming the best version of yourself with sisters cheering you on through some of the most formative years of your life. It’s about traditions and values – but more than that, it’s about sharing a bond with women who want the best for you and see the best in you.

Our Phi Mu Creed calls our members to uphold our values of love, honor and truth by:

  • Loving our sisters for who they are and help them grow into the best versions of themselves. Love means that we support each other, care for one another, and are guided by actions that encourage, inspire, and build each other up.
  • Honoring our commitments to our sisterhood and to each other. We honor the hearts of our members, and celebrate their different backgrounds, pasts and futures. Honor means that we strive to achieve our best and fight for what we believe in to make the world a better place.
  • Striving to create a sisterhood where each sister can live as the truest version of herself. To be truthful is to be honest and authentic; it is doing the right thing, even when it isn’t the easy or popular choice.

If this sounds like something you want to experience, we hope you will seek out additional opportunities to meet Phi Mu on your campus!

How Do You Join Phi Mu?

There are two ways to participate in recruitment to join a sorority. You may already be familiar with primary recruitment as the most common way to join a sorority. The other way to be extended a bid from a sorority is through a process called continuous open bidding (COB). Learn more. The final step in the joining process is signing a Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA). Learn more.

Membership in Phi Mu is not just for women who pledged and were initiated in college. If you are interested in joining Phi Mu as an alumna, learn more.

Considering Sorority Recruitment?

Discover what Phi Mu has to offer and dive into sorority life on your campus! Fill out this form to receive more information and take the first step towards an amazing college experience.

Why Did You Join Phi Mu?

“I joined Phi Mu because of how accepted I felt during recruitment — the connection felt super, real even over Zoom! Phi Mu has become my home away from home and I am so glad I joined!”

Shelby Reinsberg, Xi Beta                (Colorado State University)

“I was looking for a sense of belonging and an uplifting group of friends who would support me through my college journey— Phi Mu has given me so much more than that. Everyday I am surrounded by women who inspire me to lead in all areas of life, to practice our values daily and to give my all to every endeavor.” 

Mackenzie Linton, Lambda Epsilon (Christopher Newport University)

“I chose to join Phi Mu because I was looking for a family 8,000 miles away from my home country of India. Phi Mu has given me a lifelong support system, an unforgettable college experience and sisters who love me for who I am.” 

Sanchita Ahuja, Delta Alpha          (Indiana University)

“I joined Phi Mu because I could tell that these women would push me to be a better version of myself. I am surrounded by sisters who challenge me to try new things and have supported me in every opportunity I pursue.” 

Allie-Grace Mock, Theta Zeta          (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Four Reasons to Join Phi Mu

To Make Friends

Phi Mu offers lifetime friendship among women who will become like sisters to you. From your first days as a new member to being paired with a Big Sister through the years after college as part of an alumnae chapter in the city where you work and live – we’ll remain connected just as tens of thousands of other Phi Mu women have for nearly 170 years.

Phi Mu can be a key part of your college career and remain relevant throughout your life. With collegiate chapters on 136 campuses and hundreds of alumnae chapters for members to join after college, you’re likely to continue making Phi Mu friends for the rest of your life, wherever you go. Our Phi Mu sisterhood is more than just friendship – it is also a connection to nearly 200,000 Phi Mu sisters across the world.

To Be the Best You

Phi Mu was originally established as a literary society where young women could meet to discuss common interests, philosophical ideals and academic pursuits. Although the collegiate experience has changed greatly since those early days, Phi Mu has always been committed to empowering women to be their personal best.

Our chapters are a place where a strong value system is established among young women with high ideals, women who embody Phi Mu’s values of love, honor and truth. Phi Mu will be a home away from home during your collegiate years. By creating an environment centered around sisterhood, accountability and authenticity, Phi Mu will prepare you to become an engaged, productive citizen on your campus and in your community as well as in an ever-changing world.

To Lead with Courage

Within Phi Mu, there are countless ways for you to get involved and leave your mark. Our collegiate chapters provide opportunities for members to try new experiences and develop their leadership skills through elected and appointed positions, personal development workshops and networking opportunities. The leadership skills you will develop through Phi Mu are transferrable beyond college and will help you succeed in your future career.

Phi Mus are leaders. In 1852, our three young Founders created our sorority and, through their commitment to one another and the development of other women along the way, it’s lasted well beyond their lifetimes. You can be part of our continuing tradition and develop the skills necessary to make your own dreams come true.

To Lend a Helping Hand

“To lend to those less fortunate a helping hand.” As the first line of the Phi Mu Creed, it demonstrates how important it is for our members to serve others. If you are passionate about community service and giving back, Phi Mu is the place for you! We have a long tradition of charitable and service efforts, especially those dedicated to the health and well-being of women and children.

It’s women like you who help us raise and contribute over $2 million annually to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and who otherwise provide thousands of hours of community service in their local children’s hospitals, in their hometowns and on campuses all across the country.

Membership Eligibility

When Phi Mu was founded in 1852, educational opportunities for women were scarce and largely limited to white women of privileged backgrounds. Phi Mu has evolved with the higher education landscape and we hope to offer the benefit of Phi Mu to any eligible woman. 

Phi Mu chapters look for Potential New Members who exemplify our values of love, honor and truth. Any woman shall be eligible for membership, provided she is currently enrolled in a college or university where there is a collegiate chapter and she is not, nor has been, an initiated member of an existing National Panhellenic Conference organization. The word “woman” should be interpreted as anyone who identifies and lives as a woman. 

Potential New Members do not need an alumna reference or letter of recommendation to be eligible for membership. A Phi Mu legacy (i.e. the sister, half-sister, step-sister, daughter, step-daughter, granddaughter or great-granddaughter of a Phi Mu in good standing with the Fraternity) will be extended the same courtesy as all Potential New Members. Membership in Phi Mu is open, but not guaranteed, to all eligible women.