Welcome to Our Phi Mu Family!

We are so excited that your loved one has joined Phi Mu! Whether you are the parent of one of our newest members or your Phi Mu loved one is graduating from college soon, we are thrilled to have you in our Phi Mu family!

If your student is one of our newest members, check out our New Member Family message.

What Phi Mu Offers


Sisterhood in Phi Mu is based on respect, inclusivity and community. Our goal is that our members experience a positive and encouraging environment where meaningful relationships can flourish.

Leadership and Personal Development

We empower women to have the confidence to lead on campus, in their communities and in the world. In Phi Mu, our members have the opportunity to gain leadership skills by serving their chapters in officer and committee positions and participating in personal development programs on topics such as problem solving, communication skills, conflict resolution, delegation, management, recruiting and networking.

Philanthropy and Service

Our members share a passion for making an impact in the world around them. In 2019, Phi Mus raised over $2 million for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, our national philanthropy. Our collegiate members also participated in over 300,000 hours of hands-on community service during the 2018-2019 academic year.



Our Commitment to Personal Development and Well-Being

Phi Mu was founded on the three values of love, honor and truth. With the Creed of Phi Mu as our guide and inspiration, we strive to create an environment and experience that allows our members to be the best versions of themselves.

Risk Management

Phi Mu’s goal is that our members have a safe and fun undergraduate experience. All social events are submitted to the National Headquarters. With regard to the well-being of our members, we expect collegians to respond based on health and safety rather than fear of disciplinary action in alcohol and/or drug related emergencies. Risk management education is a priority and Phi Mu provides all chapters with tools and resources that make our annual risk management education interactive and engaging.

Human Dignity

Phi Mu believes that a strong sisterhood is based on mutual respect and kindness. Therefore, hazing of any kind has no place in our organization. The new member experience should be filled with fun and exciting opportunities to get to know new sisters without compromising one’s human dignity. Members are encouraged to report any incidents of suspected hazing to the National Headquarters or to the National Anti-Hazing Hotline (1-888-668-4293).

Supporting Academic Success

Our members are students first and Phi Mu wants to complement their academic pursuits. Phi Mu requires its collegiate chapters to set and maintain a GPA at or above the campus all-women’s average. Each collegiate chapter has programs and resources for members that provide academic support. Phi Mu expects new members to be in good standing with their college or university and chapter in order to be initiated. We are proud that our national average GPA is a 3.27.

Personal Development Programming

Phi Mu is preparing women to be engaged citizens in an ever-changing world and our chapter programming empowers members to enhance their leadership skills, start conversations that matter and identify strategies to create positive change. Program topics include mental health, relationship violence prevention, academic excellence, interviewing, personal responsibility, ethical leadership, diversity awareness and civic engagement.

Phi Mu Foundation

Phi Mu Foundation is proud of its history as the charitable, nonprofit organization supporting Phi Mu members through academic scholarships, leadership and educational programming and emergency assistance. Family and friends of Phi Mu can honor a member’s milestones (Bid Day, Initiation, graduation, etc.) with a tax-deductible gift to Phi Mu Foundation.

Spring arrival items

Carnation Collection

Carnation Collection is Phi Mu’s boutique, offering a variety of exclusive Fraternity-branded products. Located at the National Headquarters, Carnation Collection was created from a desire to create unique Phi Mu items for both collegiate and alumnae members. Carnation Collection provides on-trend merchandise at competitive prices and when you shop here, you are supporting the educational initiatives of Phi Mu Fraternity. Find the perfect gift for your Phi Mu today at carnationcollection.phimu.org.